Write fractions on each half, then have kids find them and make the proper matches. Try a different kind of egg hunt to practice equivalent fractions. Check out even more ways to use LEGO bricks for math. Playing with LEGOs makes it fun! Kids draw cards and use colored bricks to represent the fraction shown. In third grade math, students start learning fractions in earnest. Play-Doh is perfect for this activity, giving kids hands-on practice in breaking shapes down into pieces. Second grade math students begin to work with the concept of fractions by partitioning shapes into equal shares. This free printable game helps them build those skills. Second grade math students begin working with basic fractions as a part of a whole.
Kids work in groups or on their own to identify each shape only by touch (no peeking!). Place a 3-D shape block into each numbered bag. This fun activity lets kids explore shape families for deeper understanding. Create a quadrilateral family treeĪ square is a rectangle but is a rectangle a square? Sometimes it’s hard to know how to classify shapes.
Or download these free Geo-board activity cards for more challenges. Use them to let students practice making simple shapes. Geo-boards are an amazing tool for inspiring creative thinking in your students. Get a handle on quirky quadrilaterals with this free printable bingo game. Every square is a rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares.